The Beginning:
In the 1950's, the American Institute of Building Design developed a testing program designed to evaluate the expertise of its professional members. This undertaking was to demonstrate its commitment to the matter of public health, safety, and welfare. Individual state societies wrote and administered their examinations. A single exam was established in 1991 and is available today.
A New Beginning:
In 1993, the AIBD named the program the National Council of Building Designer Certification and established it as a designated body (separate self-governing council) within the institute's corporate structure. The Council's sole purpose is to develop, maintain and administer the Institute's national certification program. Also, the certification process is available to ALL qualified building designers regardless of their affiliation with AIBD or any association.
The Designation:
Upon successful completion of the certification exams, an individual is bestowed the titled "Certified Professional Building Designer" ® or "CPBD" ® and is entitled to receive the Certification Mark, Diploma, and a Certificate of the Council. To review the use of the acronym and certification mark, download a PDF version of the AIBD Branding Guidelines.
Code of Ethics and Conduct:
A CPBD, regardless of association affiliation, must agree to follow the principles of the Code of Ethics and Conduct. Disciplinary action resulting from a violation of the Bylaws, Book of Rules and Code of Ethics may vary and is dependent upon the severity of the infraction. Punitive actions range from loss of certification, fines, reprimand, suspension, and probation or other such resolutions that might be deemed appropriate and reasonable. CLICK HERE to review the Code of Ethics and Conduct.